Nursing Home

In operation, at its head office in Fatima, since 15 January 2007, the Nursing Home has 26 vacancies, licensed by the Social Security. On 29 March of the same year, the Protocol for Cooperation with Social Security was established and signed for 22 users.

In their daily activity to the elderly population, residents of the Nursing Home enjoy the following services:


  • Food (breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner and food reinforcement at bedtime);
  • Hygiene and comfort care;
  • Medical and Nursing Care;
  • Washing and treatment of clothes;
  • Entertainment/occupation/leisure;
  • Senior gymnastics classes;
  • Tours and various activities abroad;
  • Support for travel abroad;
  • Psychosocial support/monitoring;
  • Spiritual and religious assistance.

Our Home works as a space open to users and families, who can maintain regular and regular conviviality with their families, minimizing the negative effects of leaving their family environment.

Home Support

The care you need in your home, in your refuge, with comfort and security in the family proximity.

On January 15, 2007, the Misericórdia de Fátima-Ourém made available to the Parish of Fatima an uninterrupted Home Support Service, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The growing increase in the aged population, the lack of local responses and the existence of situations of social isolation, due to the absence of regular family support, denoted the urgent need for this type of social response.
On 29 March of the same year, the Protocol for Cooperation with Social Security was signed for 10 users.
With an emergency action, whenever necessary, it intends to provide individual and personalized care at home, in order to allow the person to stay in their natural environment of life and thus delay institutionalization.
It is intended primarily for persons and families where, because of illness, disability or other impediment, they cannot temporarily or permanently ensure that their basic needs and/or activities of daily living are met.

Social Center

The Social Center, of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Fátima-Ourém is a social response to support the development of socio-recreational and cultural activities, organised and dynamic with the active participation of elderly people throughout the community, through entertainment activities, intergenerational convivialities meeting their roots and thus reinforcing their identity.

Main Goal
To contribute to the stabilization and/or retardation of the evolutionary factors associated with the natural aging process, through activities of entertainment, occupation and leisure.

Specific Objectives

  • Provide a meeting place and conviviality among the users with a calm, comfortable and humanized environment;
  • To promote physical and psychological well-being;
  • Dignify feelings of interaction, self-esteem and safety in order to contribute to the stabilisation and slowing of the ageing process;
  • Avoid isolation by providing interpersonal relationships with people of the same age group and/or with other age groups;
  • Enhancing social integration;

Logotipo Gabinete de apoio ao familiar e doente de Alzheimer da Santa Casa da Misericórdias Fátima Ourem

GAFDA - Family Support

The opening of the Alzheimer’s Family and Patient Support Office in the premises of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia Fátima-Ourém is a support structure for the sick and family, particularly at the psychosocial level. The Santa Casa da Misericórdia Fátima-Ourém and Alzheimer Portugal - Delegação Centro (Pombal) and the Núcleo de Almeirim have thus established a Cooperation Protocol effective by opening an Alzheimer’s Family and Patient Support Office, which has been in operation since September 2007, in Fatima, with county coverage.
The objectives of the Alzheimer’s Family and Patient Support Office are three areas: Patient, Carer and Community.

At community level the Office shall aim to:

  • Raise awareness and inform the population about Alzheimer’s disease
  • Develop and organize information sessions, partnerships with public and private entities, in order to reduce the social stigma of this dementia.

At Patient level it aims to:

  • Provide the patient with housing conditions appropriate to his or her situation and individual needs.
  • To evaluate and monitor the patient, through stimulation and cognitive rehabilitation(link) in the initial and intermediate phases of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Provide a Technical Aid Bank (wheelchairs, articulated beds, anti-bedsores, etc.) in order to improve the quality of life and support provided to the person with Alzheimer’s disease.

At the level of the caregiver it aims to:

  • Inform and sensitize the family member/caregiver of the Alzheimer’s patient about this type of dementia and the social support available.
  • Provide psychological support through individualised follow-up.
  • Promote self-help groups, allowing the sharing of experiences, impressions and experiences among family members/caregivers.

Day Care

The Day Centre consists of the provision of a set of specialized and therapeutic services, cooperating with the families and carers of patients in creating conditions that favor their daily quality of life.

Set up a Day Centre, operating from Monday to Friday, to provide care and care to 15 patients with specialised therapeutic, psychosocial support and cognitive rehabilitation intervention, which promotes the slowing down of the effects of the disease and the continuity in the patient’s family environment.

The Day Care center will operate from Monday to Friday and will have the following services available to its users:

  • Meals (morning snack, lunch, snack) - preparation in the kitchen of the Santa Casa headquarters building and distribution in the Day Center;
  • Conviviality/ occupation;
  • Hygiene care;
  • Clothes treatment (to be carried out in the current laundry of the institution’s headquarters building);

In addition to these basic services, being a specific Alzheimer’s Day Care Center we will also have:

  • Free access to the technical Help Bank;
  • Individual or group sessions of cognitive and sensory stimulation, including through the Cogweb Cognitive Rehabilitation Programme;
  • Psychological support to patients and carers of Alzheimer’s patients;
  • Promotion of Self-help Groups;
  • Physical therapy sessions and music therapy;
  • Dance sessions, singing, gardening, among others;
  • Memory groups;
  • Teleassistance Service;
  • Serviço de localização GPS.

Equipa Móvel Multidisciplinar de Intervenção Local Especializada e Autoajuda


A sociedade está em constante mudança e interpela-nos a evoluir na missão de cuidar. É um desafio coletivo, de corresponsabilização e de cooperação. Neste âmbito, nasceu o projeto EMMILEA – Equipa Móvel Multidisciplinar de Intervenção Local Especializada e Autoajuda.


  • Colmatar os desafios inerentes ao processo de demência e/ou dependência;
  • Proporcionar o acesso a recursos que permitem melhorar a qualidade de vida;
  • Reforçar o bem-estar físico, psicológico e emocional;
  • Retardar a institucionalização;
  • Atenuar o isolamento social e a solidão.

Equipa multidisciplinar:

  • Técnica de Serviço Social;
  • Psicóloga;
  • Terapeuta Ocupacional;
  • Musicoterapeuta;
  • Técnica Auxiliar de Reabilitação e Fisioterapia.


  • Ação 1 – Realização de sessões individuais com técnicas especializadas, por forma e retardar os efeitos físicos, cognitivos, sensoriais e emocionais associados ao processo de envelhecimento/dependência, ampliando as intervenções e acompanhamento do utente no domicílio;
    • Ação 2 – Distribuição de equipamentos de teleassistência, de modo a reforçar a segurança e a capacidade de ação em caso de emergência;
    • Ação 3 – Dinamização de grupos de autoajuda para cuidadores informais, reforçando o apoio social, a ligação comunitária e o sentimento de pertença social;
    • Ação 4 – Apoio aos cuidadores informais, nas necessidades sentidas no dia-a-dia pelo cuidador.


    Pessoa com demência ou elevado grau de dependência física, dando prioridade a situações de risco de isolamento social, ou de carência socioeconómica.

    Cuidadores informais.

    Abrangência:  Concelho de Ourém

    O projeto iniciou com apoio concedido através dos Fundos da União Europeia, e posteiormente do Prémio BPI Fundação “La Caixa” Seniores.

    Contactos: Agende a sua avaliação gratuita!

    Telef.: 249538352 | 910 979 855


    Logotipo do Banco de Ajudas Técnicas da Santa Casa da Misericórdias Fátima Ourem

    Technical Aid Bank

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    O nosso Lar funciona como um espaço aberto aos utentes e às famílias, que assim podem manter o convívio regular e assíduo com os seus familiares, minimizando os efeitos negativos da saída do seu meio familiar.